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  • Date
    02 DECEMBER 2022
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    20 AI artists you should know about

    As AI continues to evolve, it’s starting to have a major impact on the art world. Some artists are now using AI as a tool to help them create their work, while others are using AI to question their work. There are a number of different ways that AI can be used in the creative process.

    For example, some artists use AI to generate new pieces of art based on random algorithms. Others use AI to remix existing pieces of art. And still others use AI to analyze their own work and explore the questioning relationship between humans and technology.

    Artificial Intelligence becomes more and more advanced at the speed of light, it is getting very good at learning quickly. In fact, some algorithms are now able to learn from just a few prompts and examples. This means that we can soon expect AI to be able to do things like recognize objects details in photos or videos, and even understand natural language.

    AI is definitely shaking up the art scene. If you’re curious to see some interesting AI-created art out there, or want to explore some of the ways AI is changing the art landscape, then read on. Here are 20 AI artists you should know about and whose work you should explore.


    Mario Klingemann, Face Feedback 02066, Neurography, 2018



    Robbie Barrat, AI Generated Nude Painting, 2018


    Obvious, Edmond De Belamy, GANs Algorithm, (432,500$ acquired by auction at Christie's New-York on October 2018)


    Memo Akten, Journey through the layers of the mind, Deep dream Artificial Neural Network, 2015


    Daria Rastunina, Moonwell, 2022


    Nani Tamoona aka Moonchild, The Unconscious (not everything is what it seems. don't lose your head.), 2022


    Claire Silver, artwork from the collection of Cozomo de' Medici, 2022


    Petra Voice, Feed Your Head, created with AI, 2022


    Ash, Boardwalk date, created with Midjourney, 2022


    Jennifer N/a, Future and Past Memories, created with DALL-E 2, 2022


    Markos R. Kay, Black Orchid, Flora/Fauna serie, 2021


    Anna Dart, #21 Sarah AI, from the collection "Akarui Yori Akarui", 2022


    Jerome Herr aka WeavingWithAI, Golden Girl, created with AI, 2022


    Barbi Ares, Wish I hadn't met you, minted on November 27th 2022


    BitMedler, Metapunk FZN // inspired by @bl0ckstone, created with Midjourney, 2022


    Terry Gates, AI generated artwork published on RED-EYE, 2022


    Nikita Panin Manifold, Obscure Obedience, November 2022


    Gordey Prostov, AI Collection "GLASS AND PLASTICINE", AI art, 2022


    Claudia Rafael, A.I. Beauty Portrait N°7 in collaboration with @matmaitland, 2022


    Ümüt Yildiz and Alberto Maria Colombo, "Orgie en Rive Droite", still from AI generated video, 2021



    AI-Generated text edited by Gloria Maria Cappelletti, editor in chief, RED-EYE